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New miniaturized Infrasolid infrared emitters in SMD package

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Written by: Infrasolid GmbH 3/16/2022

With the three new infrared sources - HIS180smd-0, HIS180smd-A, HIS180smd-S - Infrasolid introduces a new SMD series of pulsable infrared emitters that delivers a technical revolution in nondispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) gas analysis for high volume and automated assembly.


Figure 1 – Infrasolid HIS180smd series.

Considering the high output power close to a blackbody emitter and radiation over a wide wavelength range of 2 µm to 20 µm, they are particularly suitable for simultaneous measurement of multiple gases. Even in continuous operations, these emitters provide a very stable measurement of the signal. This feature enhances the reduction of follow-up costs, as measuring instruments and systems require less frequent maintenance and recalibration.

Infrasolid's HISsmd radiation sources are thermal emitters with a nichrome (NiCr) filament, manufactured in an SMD3 package, measuring only 3 mm per 3 mm. The SMD3 package can be used open (as it is used with the HIS180smd-0) or encapsulated with a window. The filament of the HIS180smd fills the entire space of the small SMD package for the radiating area.

Infrasolid was able to increase the area of the radiating filament by another 80% compared to the HIS100 and consequently, optimizing the signal intensity. The large area in the tiny package and the high emissivity provides significant signal advantages especially in long wavelength applications above 5 µm, i.e., where the temperature of the blackbody emitter has less influence because the emission maximum is shifted to shorter wavelengths by the Wien's displacement law.


Figure 2 – The special nano-structure used in the emitting filament in HIS180smd.

Window options include sapphire (HIS180smd-A) with up to 6 µm or silicon (HIS180smd-S) for wavelengths up to 14 µm. In addition, lenses can also be mounted to optimize for measurements in free air, for example in respiratory gas analysis devices. The open version without window (HIS180smd-0) enables the most cost-effective use even in the consumer market segment, thus opening valuable advantages for small, handheld and battery powered devices.

The high emitting power of Infrasolid IR emitters and the high efficiency are possible thanks to a patented manufacturing process for the radiating filament. Here, a special nano structure is applied to the emitting element, which maximizes the high emissivity of almost one (which means that it emits thermal radiation close to a perfect black body) across a wide band up to a wavelength of 20 µm.


INFRASOLID develops and manufactures high-performance infrared radiation sources for use in NDIR gas analysis and IR spectroscopy at its Dresden site. Typical applications can be found in the fields of environmental protection, exhaust gas measurement, explosion, and fire protection as well as in building services engineering and medical technology. INFRASOLID GmbH is part of Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG, Switzerland, a leading global manufacturer of physical, chemical, and biological sensors.

If you would like to know more about this type of infrared emitters using high-efficient INFRASOLID products, please get in touch in our technical team. We would be pleased to get to know more about your application.

Email contact: press@infrasolid.com

Website: https://www.infrasolid.com/en/HISsmd

EPS Global technical assistance: efernandes@epsglobal.com

Infrasolid products: https://www.epsglobal.com/manufacturers/infrasolid

New miniaturized Infrasolid infrared emitters in SMD package

With the three new infrared sources - HIS180smd-0, HIS180smd-A, HIS180smd-S - Infrasolid introduces a new SMD series of pulsable infrared emitters that delivers a technical revolution in nondispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) gas analysis for high volume and automated assembly.

With the three new infrared sources - HIS180smd-0, HIS180smd-A, HIS180smd-S - Infrasolid introduces a new SMD series of pulsable infrared emitters that delivers a technical revolution in nondispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) gas analysis for high volume and automated assembly.

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