Containers, Docker and Kubernetes: A Beginner's Guide
5/23/2019 3:34:12 PM
Container platforms and Cloud Native are the talk of the town, with Kubernetes, or k8s as it is stylized, recently being crowned the victor in the bloody but aptly named ‘Container Wars’. The white flag of surrender for management and orchestration was raised by Docker which now supports Kubernetes natively. Docker is still the container engine of choice though. This means that most Cloud Native systems are going to contain both platforms in a complementary fashion.
Container platforms and Cloud Native are the talk of the town, with Kubernetes, or k8s as it is stylized, recently being crowned the victor in the bloody but aptly named ‘Container Wars’. The white flag of surrender for management and orchestration was raised by Docker which now supports Kubernetes natively. Docker is still the container engine of choice though. This means that most Cloud Native systems are going to contain both platforms in a complementary fashion.
EPS Global
EPS Global