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Blog posts tagged with: Bare-Metal

5 disaggregierte Produkte verändern das Erscheinungsbild von Betreibernetzwerken

5 disaggregierte Produkte verändern das Erscheinungsbild von Betreibernetzwerken

Seit 2012 profitieren die Betreiber von Rechenzentren in großem Umfang von den Vorteilen der generischen Bare Metal/Whitebox-Hardware-Revolution, die im Netzwerkbereich stattgefunden hat. Fast ein Viertel aller heute ausgelieferten Switches besteht aus generischer Bare Metal-Hardware. Wobei die sogenannten Brite-Schaltergehäuse (Bare Metal-Hardware die zum Beispiel unter den Marken HPE und Dell vertrieben werden) in dieser Zahl nicht enthalten sind. Es ist grundsätzlich einfacher geworden, Rechenzentren zu automatisieren, zu skalieren und bereitzustellen, ganz zu schweigen von den reduzierten CAPEX- und OPEX-Kosten.

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5 disaggregierte Produkte verändern das Erscheinungsbild von Betreibernetzwerken

Seit 2012 profitieren die Betreiber von Rechenzentren in großem Umfang von den Vorteilen der generischen Bare Metal/Whitebox-Hardware-Revolution, die im Netzwerkbereich stattgefunden hat. Fast ein Viertel aller heute ausgelieferten Switches besteht aus generischer Bare Metal-Hardware. Wobei die sogenannten Brite-Schaltergehäuse (Bare Metal-Hardware die zum Beispiel unter den Marken HPE und Dell vertrieben werden) in dieser Zahl nicht enthalten sind. Es ist grundsätzlich einfacher geworden, Rechenzentren zu automatisieren, zu skalieren und bereitzustellen, ganz zu schweigen von den reduzierten CAPEX- und OPEX-Kosten.

Seit 2012 profitieren die Betreiber von Rechenzentren in großem Umfang von den Vorteilen der generischen Bare Metal/Whitebox-Hardware-Revolution, die im Netzwerkbereich stattgefunden hat. Fast ein Viertel aller heute ausgelieferten Switches besteht aus generischer Bare Metal-Hardware. Wobei die sogenannten Brite-Schaltergehäuse (Bare Metal-Hardware die zum Beispiel unter den Marken HPE und Dell vertrieben werden) in dieser Zahl nicht enthalten sind. Es ist grundsätzlich einfacher geworden, Rechenzentren zu automatisieren, zu skalieren und bereitzustellen, ganz zu schweigen von den reduzierten CAPEX- und OPEX-Kosten.

EPS Global
5 Whitebox Products Changing the Face of Carrier Networks

5 Whitebox Products Changing the Face of Carrier Networks

Since 2012, hyperscale data center operators have enjoyed the benefits of the bare metal/whitebox revolution that has taken place in networking. Nearly a quarter of all switches now shipped are bare-metal and that does not include the brite boxes (bare-metal rebranded like HPE and Dell) in that figure. It has become easier to automate, scale, provision our data centers, not to mention the reduced CAPEX and OPEX.

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5 Whitebox Products Changing the Face of Carrier Networks

Since 2012, hyperscale data center operators have enjoyed the benefits of the bare metal/whitebox revolution that has taken place in networking. Nearly a quarter of all switches now shipped are bare-metal and that does not include the brite boxes (bare-metal rebranded like HPE and Dell) in that figure. It has become easier to automate, scale, provision our data centers, not to mention the reduced CAPEX and OPEX.

Since 2012, hyperscale data center operators have enjoyed the benefits of the bare metal/whitebox revolution that has taken place in networking. Nearly a quarter of all switches now shipped are bare-metal and that does not include the brite boxes (bare-metal rebranded like HPE and Dell) in that figure. It has become easier to automate, scale, provision our data centers, not to mention the reduced CAPEX and OPEX.

EPS Global
Creating a Modern Campus Area Network: A ‘How to’ Guide

Creating a Modern Campus Area Network: A ‘How to’ Guide

Without question, Open Networking and SDN have altered the landscape of data center networks irrevocably. Less than a decade has elapsed since Facebook open-sourced its hardware designs for its Prineville, Oregon data center and formed the Open Compute Project (OCP). One month previous, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) had formed to promote the benefits of SDN and the OpenFlow protocol. These two organizations, with more than a little help from companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft, have presided over a shift that has massively reduced CAPEX and OPEX, improved scalability, automation, and efficiency and has given the power back to companies to determine what is the best fit for their particular need.
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Creating a Modern Campus Area Network: A ‘How to’ Guide

Without question, Open Networking and SDN have altered the landscape of data center networks irrevocably. Less than a decade has elapsed since Facebook open-sourced its hardware designs for its Prineville, Oregon data center and formed the Open Compute Project (OCP). One month previous, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) had formed to promote the benefits of SDN and the OpenFlow protocol. These two organizations, with more than a little help from companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft, have presided over a shift that has massively reduced CAPEX and OPEX, improved scalability, automation, and efficiency and has given the power back to companies to determine what is the best fit for their particular need.
Without question, Open Networking and SDN have altered the landscape of data center networks irrevocably. Less than a decade has elapsed since Facebook open-sourced its hardware designs for its Prineville, Oregon data center and formed the Open Compute Project (OCP). One month previous, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) had formed to promote the benefits of SDN and the OpenFlow protocol. These two organizations, with more than a little help from companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft, have presided over a shift that has massively reduced CAPEX and OPEX, improved scalability, automation, and efficiency and has given the power back to companies to determine what is the best fit for their particular need.

EPS Global
The Path to White-box Networking – Part 1

The Path to White-box Networking – Part 1

White-box networking is gaining interest not just from hyper cloud networks but also from a host of other organizations whose business logic demand a dynamic, programmable and scalable network. Let’s examine some considerations behind adopting a white-box based architecture. Read article

The Path to White-box Networking – Part 1

White-box networking is gaining interest not just from hyper cloud networks but also from a host of other organizations whose business logic demand a dynamic, programmable and scalable network. Let’s examine some considerations behind adopting a white-box based architecture. White-box networking is gaining interest not just from hyper cloud networks but also from a host of other organizations whose business logic demand a dynamic, programmable and scalable network. Let’s examine some considerations behind adopting a white-box based architecture.

EPS Global
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