The world is moving towards Software-Defined Everything. Why?
The data center of the future represents the potential for not only significant cost-savings on CAPEX and OPEX, but also dramatically improving productivity and speed while removing the complexity of provisioning, deploying, and maintaining technology on the network. Open networking can optimize infrastructure investments, and can form the basis for building agility into the way companies deliver IT services.
This e-book is designed to educate, empower and inspire those who are looking for high-performance open solutions at a lower cost to drive their business forward.
Topics include:
- Why choose Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for your business?
- OCP Technology Principles
- Cost savings: Facts & Figures
- Open Networking market evolution
- The Data Center: Traditional versus Modern
- Case Studies: London Internet Exchange and J.P. Morgan Chase
- SDN technology roadmap
- Glossary of Terms: figure out what all those TLAs mean!
Contributors include open industry leaders and pioneers such as Cumulus Networks, Edgecore Networks, EPS Global, the OCP Foundation, Penguin Computing, and Finisar.
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