Garland Technology enabled Area 1 Security to maintain 100% reliability in the most extreme environments to include recent and large-scale security threats from humans, machines, and natural disasters alike. Thus, complete functionality and comprehensive reliability at their global data centers were the largest determining factors helping their customers stay ahead of these looming cyber-attacks. Garland Technology’s reliability and power superiority levels for Area 1 Security customers extended even further into providing 100% accurate False Tolerance analysis, granting a proactive view into early stage DDoS attacks, resulting in Area 1 Security customers being able to take quick action and respond to looming threats. While proactive patterns are critical, the ability for Area 1 Security’s global data centers to obtain and maintain 100% full power with the magnetic failover feature from Garland Technology TAPs, have yielded their only full-scale and 100% reliable network TAP solutions to date. Area 1 Security continues to turn to Garland Technology for the speed of their global logistics, the unparalleled integration support, capacity planning, and modeling surrounding future deployments.