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Coherent Optics

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The FOXQ6411C1BL is an optical sub-assembly combining all the key building blocks of a coherent optical front-end as well as the associated control circuitry. The part is designed to meet the requirements for a Type-2 IC-TROSA as specified in the OIF IC-TROSA implementation agreement. The device is full C-band tunable and supports multiple modulation formats including QPSK, 8QAM, and 16QAM at symbol rates >60GBd, enabling data transmission up to 400Gb/s. The IC-TROSA’s low power dissipation and miniature footprint enables small form factor Digital Coherent Optics (DCO) transceivers in a QSFP-DD or OSFP form factor, as well as very high-density coherent line card or daughter card designs. Since the IC-TROSA is a fully calibrated and tested assembly instead of a disaggregate set of components, it yields operational cost savings for the line card or pluggable module integrator due to the lower number of assembly steps and reduced test times.
Integrated Coherent Transmitter & Receiver Optical Sub-Assembly (IC-TROSA)
<p>The FOXQ6411C1BL is an optical sub-assembly combining all the key building blocks of a coherent optical front-end as well as the associated control circuitry. The part is designed to meet the requirements for a Type-2 IC-TROSA as specified in the OIF IC-TROSA implementation agreement.</p>

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