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New Ethernet PHYs Enable Multidrop Bus Architecture, Enhancing Industrial Networks’ Scalability and Functionality

New Ethernet PHYs Enable Multidrop Bus Architecture, Enhancing Industrial Networks’ Scalability and Functionality

CHANDLER, Ariz., July 20, 2021 – Smart manufacturing is driving efficiencies in automation as digital networks increasingly connect machines, production line equipment and robotics. Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) networks that are critical to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) rely on Ethernet for interoperability and to speed data transmission and ensure security. The LAN867x family of 10BASE-T1S PHYs, a new solution available today from Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), expands Ethernet connectivity to the very edges of industrial networks, simplifying architectures and reducing risk for designers.

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New Ethernet PHYs Enable Multidrop Bus Architecture, Enhancing Industrial Networks’ Scalability and Functionality

CHANDLER, Ariz., July 20, 2021 – Smart manufacturing is driving efficiencies in automation as digital networks increasingly connect machines, production line equipment and robotics. Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) networks that are critical to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) rely on Ethernet for interoperability and to speed data transmission and ensure security. The LAN867x family of 10BASE-T1S PHYs, a new solution available today from Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), expands Ethernet connectivity to the very edges of industrial networks, simplifying architectures and reducing risk for designers.

CHANDLER, Ariz., July 20, 2021 – Smart manufacturing is driving efficiencies in automation as digital networks increasingly connect machines, production line equipment and robotics. Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) networks that are critical to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) rely on Ethernet for interoperability and to speed data transmission and ensure security. The LAN867x family of 10BASE-T1S PHYs, a new solution available today from Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), expands Ethernet connectivity to the very edges of industrial networks, simplifying architectures and reducing risk for designers.

EPS Global
June Tech Roundup from EPS Global

June Tech Roundup from EPS Global

Global Partnership with Plume, AS7926-40XKFB exclusive, on-demand webinars and more - June Tech Roundup from EPS Global.

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June Tech Roundup from EPS Global

Global Partnership with Plume, AS7926-40XKFB exclusive, on-demand webinars and more - June Tech Roundup from EPS Global.

Global Partnership with Plume, AS7926-40XKFB exclusive, on-demand webinars and more - June Tech Roundup from EPS Global.

EPS Global
EPS Global Partners with Plume to Deliver New Digital Subscriber Experiences

EPS Global Partners with Plume to Deliver New Digital Subscriber Experiences

Dublin, Ireland. June 24th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor of a broad portfolio of traditional & open networking and whole-home broadband offerings, today announced its partnership with personalized smart services pioneer, Plume®. This new collaboration is designed to empower Service Providers to monetize smart homes and small businesses by providing access to new service propositions that leverage broadband to provide – among many benefits – flawless, self-optimizing Wi-Fi connectivity and unparalleled customer experiences. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will act as a key Plume distributor globally.

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EPS Global Partners with Plume to Deliver New Digital Subscriber Experiences

Dublin, Ireland. June 24th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor of a broad portfolio of traditional & open networking and whole-home broadband offerings, today announced its partnership with personalized smart services pioneer, Plume®. This new collaboration is designed to empower Service Providers to monetize smart homes and small businesses by providing access to new service propositions that leverage broadband to provide – among many benefits – flawless, self-optimizing Wi-Fi connectivity and unparalleled customer experiences. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will act as a key Plume distributor globally.

Dublin, Ireland. June 24th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor of a broad portfolio of traditional & open networking and whole-home broadband offerings, today announced its partnership with personalized smart services pioneer, Plume®. This new collaboration is designed to empower Service Providers to monetize smart homes and small businesses by providing access to new service propositions that leverage broadband to provide – among many benefits – flawless, self-optimizing Wi-Fi connectivity and unparalleled customer experiences. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will act as a key Plume distributor globally.

EPS Global
EPS Global arbeitet mit Plume zusammen, um neue Erfahrungen für digitale Abonnenten zu liefern

EPS Global arbeitet mit Plume zusammen, um neue Erfahrungen für digitale Abonnenten zu liefern

DUBLIN, Irland, 24. Juni 2021 – EPS Global, ein führender Value-Add-Distributor mit einem großen Portfolio an traditionellen & offenen Netzwerk- und Whole-Home-Breitbandangeboten, gab heute seine Partnerschaft mit dem Pionier für personalisierte Smart Services, Plume® bekannt. Diese neue Zusammenarbeit soll Service Providern die Möglichkeit geben, Smart Homes und kleine Unternehmen gewinnbringend zu unterstützen, indem sie Zugang zu neuen Serviceangeboten erhalten, die Breitband nutzen, um - neben vielen anderen Vorteilen - einwandfreie, selbstoptimierende Wi-Fi-Konnektivität und ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten. Im Rahmen dieser neuen Partnerschaft wird EPS Global als ein wichtiger Plume-Vertriebspartner weltweit agieren.

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EPS Global arbeitet mit Plume zusammen, um neue Erfahrungen für digitale Abonnenten zu liefern

DUBLIN, Irland, 24. Juni 2021 – EPS Global, ein führender Value-Add-Distributor mit einem großen Portfolio an traditionellen & offenen Netzwerk- und Whole-Home-Breitbandangeboten, gab heute seine Partnerschaft mit dem Pionier für personalisierte Smart Services, Plume® bekannt. Diese neue Zusammenarbeit soll Service Providern die Möglichkeit geben, Smart Homes und kleine Unternehmen gewinnbringend zu unterstützen, indem sie Zugang zu neuen Serviceangeboten erhalten, die Breitband nutzen, um - neben vielen anderen Vorteilen - einwandfreie, selbstoptimierende Wi-Fi-Konnektivität und ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten. Im Rahmen dieser neuen Partnerschaft wird EPS Global als ein wichtiger Plume-Vertriebspartner weltweit agieren.

DUBLIN, Irland, 24. Juni 2021 – EPS Global, ein führender Value-Add-Distributor mit einem großen Portfolio an traditionellen & offenen Netzwerk- und Whole-Home-Breitbandangeboten, gab heute seine Partnerschaft mit dem Pionier für personalisierte Smart Services, Plume® bekannt. Diese neue Zusammenarbeit soll Service Providern die Möglichkeit geben, Smart Homes und kleine Unternehmen gewinnbringend zu unterstützen, indem sie Zugang zu neuen Serviceangeboten erhalten, die Breitband nutzen, um - neben vielen anderen Vorteilen - einwandfreie, selbstoptimierende Wi-Fi-Konnektivität und ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten. Im Rahmen dieser neuen Partnerschaft wird EPS Global als ein wichtiger Plume-Vertriebspartner weltweit agieren.

EPS Global
May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

World's First Unboxing of Edgecore's 400G Bare Metal Switch - Radisys Connect Open Broadband Agreement - Entrepreneur Finalist - Upcoming Events - May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

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May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

World's First Unboxing of Edgecore's 400G Bare Metal Switch - Radisys Connect Open Broadband Agreement - Entrepreneur Finalist - Upcoming Events - May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

World's First Unboxing of Edgecore's 400G Bare Metal Switch - Radisys Connect Open Broadband Agreement - Entrepreneur Finalist - Upcoming Events - May Tech Roundup from EPS Global

EPS Global
EPS Global and Radisys Announce Global Distribution Agreement

EPS Global and Radisys Announce Global Distribution Agreement

Dublin, Ireland & OR., USA 25th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor and IT services organization, and Radisys, a global leader in open telecom services and solutions today announced a global distribution agreement. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will become a Radisys Open Broadband Partner, and can sell the Radisys Connect Open Broadband portfolio to customers worldwide.

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EPS Global and Radisys Announce Global Distribution Agreement

Dublin, Ireland & OR., USA 25th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor and IT services organization, and Radisys, a global leader in open telecom services and solutions today announced a global distribution agreement. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will become a Radisys Open Broadband Partner, and can sell the Radisys Connect Open Broadband portfolio to customers worldwide.

Dublin, Ireland & OR., USA 25th, 2021 – EPS Global, a leading value-added distributor and IT services organization, and Radisys, a global leader in open telecom services and solutions today announced a global distribution agreement. Under this new agreement, EPS Global will become a Radisys Open Broadband Partner, and can sell the Radisys Connect Open Broadband portfolio to customers worldwide.

EPS Global
Displaying results 73-78 (of 155)
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